year of FRIESTS

Year of Priests

                                 FIVE PRIESTS


Today is June 6, 2009 after a day of Mass and a feast to celebrate the 35th anniversary of a priest. I felt in me the GIFT of God giving me dozens of Gods and many times shed tears. His very selective singing and lyrics added to his divine cubs with all the love that came out of the hearts expressing a sound that enticed the listener so movingly, the singing, the drums big and small were truly INSTITUTEAM. From my parents getting to know Him and then communicating in the work of God’s will, a reward that I also believe should be given to followers of the LORD who need to be rewarded once at some stage on behalf of the LORD. It is God’s will, June 2009 — REVELATION after 25 years Phase I ends, Volume II of HEAVEN, speaks of souls — soul parties through MAN WITH GOD as Father In the present and still 25 years of proclaiming the GOOD NEWS of God’s descent through me Through mortals records have not yet ended, 2008 HEAVENLY LITERATURE meaning in volume II that LORD through I say volume II only gets when volume I has work. 2009 was the year the Church declared the year for priests whose volume II was more about the common question of who is God? Who is Spirit-ITEM ?

Read straight into the articles about the priest that write in red ink as added or briefly explained in the same period of correction and arrange which items from 1984 are needed for volume II, notes in red ink without deleting as in phase I

The pages of paper God has written about the SPIRIT-SOUL through many stages of working with God since 1984 ,God is the FATHER, EARTH has CHILDREN, MONKS are hidden both as having CONFESSED FAITH and SWORN PROMISE Priestly sentiment on the thorny path of ministry in the age of SATAN is more than HOLY , is opened to useful THOUGHTS on the web very human less lonely for MONKs – Feel the BLOOD, BODY and BLOOD of God in the Half-Brothers, Eucharistic ADORATION has a very useful SPIRITUAL FEELING for the HOLY power that SATAN PROTECTS IN THE HUMAN FLESH Charismatic I feel God’s will much in me, clear over time which is therefore a very CLEAR sign of the soul, – relaxed, all worldly things seem strange when my LORD-soul dwells in me – – I am very slow and clumsy if I do not return to being I after every time I need to live in harmony with people as before. It’s just that I’m humble according to the flesh, have no thoughts, or I leave myself < the Divine SOUL for a short time, then I live naturally according to the ego, then I am completely. After 22 years I’ve gotten meaningless plays that sometimes feel like strangers or I’ve < too much because I’m always judging right after every story, seeing what I can’t integrate into a normal person, words not much if no one asks. Incarnate Spirit-HOLY in heaven I believe God sees me through every action. The first REVELATION I have after 25 years has seen many changes from me from the church even though there has not been a formal recognition, new life for the CHILDREN of

the Church THROUGH the hand of the Lord leads you <religious, > flexibility is essential

the word of the LORD – God gives the spirit-snoring part to ordain , you live in me the spirit-soul part so it is I who protect the spiritual-holy part in the LOVE of God where mortals themselves praise and remember so the monk has no time to hide as a lame person who is not paralyzed but far from his < altar > , in the private home there is no GOD presence but only the Party , the Party is many COUNTS in those who are present, the flesh where man has no incarnation Lack of dignified reverence The HOLY SAINTS from heaven are the STARS who live in the HEAVENLY FATHER in the SON of the individual soul , is the FATHER’s, only where the house < the station > there is a ritual, over time there is a throne, the class ACTS AS A LORD, then there is JESUS as the FATHER in the PARISH they CONVERT.

As a child in a family where any good news or social hardship , I am as emotional as I am today, my drum is reminded of the vitality of faith that is rising in Vietnam that contains the SPIRIT – HOLY MARTYRS, I pay attention to everything in the two REVELATIONS, One for the Church, one for the world, so in every scene I was in a mood of much reflection. I no longer have the serenity of many years, and since then I have been lifted up to have more respect when I receive them. I am often in misery, the very place where I receive the grace is that the workplace has no <ascension >with the SAINTs into the open sky for the SAINTs to control. I have a religious Gentile husband, not fierce but unhappy in working without seeing the benefits of the world, no one praised me and no one showed the attitude of wanting to listen, which made my husband always discourage me when I wanted to speak, but for peace I had to live a normal life even though I didn’t give me as much personal with my parents, husbands and children as before I asked YES. My mother once yelled at me, when I opened up about the GOSPEL, she brushed it off and said that it was enough to take care of the family, no matter who prevented me from having any money in hand, distributing it all to the religious order or fathers. That is, the Church needs pastors who are willing to bring the LIGHT of the good news to others, need to learn SPIRITUALITY in order to have a wise response. In the spirit-SPIRIT-SOUL, even if it depends on the fact that I learn about the SPIRIT-SOUL part to be in tune with the Saints before executing, the SPIRIT-HOLY Lord comes to work from the SPIRIT-SAINT

often do not use reason to judge things, but only dogma to judge things whether the Church’s dogma is right or wrong because of human records. 2000 TIME GOD has SAINTS in the same language, writing is wrong but corrected if there is multi-component cooperation I witnessed the brother’s exasperation and both The Son of a Parish Priest

— What kind of father is weird, the layman asks for confession, before sitting in court cursing a circuit of eagerness to go to work ——all sorts of things, not knowing what to say and then go to court , not once but always. The son said the same , I said , to go to confession, you need to find a good priest , you have good to have a LORD , to be represented!

When I was writing about the SPIRIT-SOUL part, a WORM came out from the bushes on the side of the road and sat in the driving car I had to see the expression, and then put in a spirit-spirit story written then through another <> WORM about the GOD who sent .

Story One .

  Husband and friend

One morning near noon I intended to go out. Near the door I put a shelf where the image of the MOTHER and the Cross of the Lord was, every time before moving out I looked up to pay my respects, this time I was startled with fear because on the wall near the picture of A worm was clinging to it I was terrified, afraid of all insects, no matter how small, I was afraid to brave something and use boiling water to die, but when it fell it left a stubborn image of a woman in the story.

I saw that image, I was more and more scared and hurriedly left, intending to wait for my husband after work to help me get rid of it.

The person I dated was the woman in the story who was my best friend who made an appointment to come over for lunch. During the meal this friend apologized to my husband , she is a good person husband has a position with money but is too gentle to satisfy the carnal part so mean to my husband , my husband is not the first worm to speak stubbornly . The skin by the impact causes UMBILICAL SPERM TO MOVE THE GENITALS THAT REQUIRE ESCAPE ,the eyes are also reflective but not as massive.

What the LORD wants to reveal always recurs a second confirmation

When I returned home I could still find the worm lying there, which even though I was dead I was still scared so I intended to open the back door to give the house more light. Another phenomenon that was even more terrifying was two worms clinging to two water containers that my husband painted the day before. After arriving at my friend’s house , during this time I was not in a hurry because I used to have daily miracle sightings when I saw that the latter two worms showed TWO not the same barrel , after a while I meant to close the door and I meant my husband to clean up and one lay in peace at the door , I have an idea of a different person’s nature.

2nd story

Another day . I meant to go to the beginning of the street where there was a school friend’s shop far away from girlhood, out for the tamarind box. The worm’s story doesn’t last long, but today it recurs through another story, someone else.

I opened the wooden door inside and my eyes immediately met a light banana green worm clinging to the glass door, I hurriedly slipped out like a hiding hole.The strange thing is that when you go to the store you bring a box of dried tamarind, this box is the second box I bought, the other day I ate a box that felt too good to give you a box. A few minutes later my friend excitedly opened it to eat when a worm-like worm clinging to my glass door in my friend’s dried tamarind snapped open.I just didn’t say it, but I knew God wanted to tell me something. Yes, this friend had hidden from me a problem about a friend who was related to me, a problem that, when he sent me near the door, told me this concealment, this worm was a true expression of a beautiful little person. From the two stories of the LORD that make me a witness, I wish that the CONGREGATION that has in my hands the living Spirit is real, instilling in all the RELIGION that everyone can see fear and appreciate this life in love.



1984-2009 VOLUME I

The Light of the GOSPEL . – I Heavenly LORD is life where man has GOD

( photos and articles 624 sheets )

This episode passed in March 2007 to JOSEPH Unitarian. Being the One God Sent ME to Since 1985


Learning about SPIRIT-SOUL –II HEAVEN –heaven and earth


The Spirit-Soul Party

2008 – 2009 The pope proclaimed the Year of the Celestial Literature, the Year of the PRIEST that seeks topics on the SPIRIT-SECTION of the Spiritual Linkage, the spirit-life before the Old Testament and after (the New Testament) this life HAS witnesses


ANOTHER UNION – III birth, life and resurrection

The END of the Earth .

All 3 episodes speak of the SPIRIT-SOUL life in the 3 ranks ascending to the FATHER from birth, in life and life GOD is the SPIRIT-SOUL life with the FATHER

Time and things continue to pass by in the will of my LORD, my FATHER to the Apostle of the Church according to the law, for 22 years of non-stop work. I have received but also know that only time , there can be no result, there is a result in GLORY or the destruction of the earth., Pope JOHN PAUL II said the End of the World 2000 in front of 20,000 people in front of St. Peter’s Basilica on May 25. I was titled A GRACE in 2000. The news of the PLANET’s escape thanks to the PLANET changing the angle of flying over the earth, as if < KING in heaven > to enter the second command could not help but manifest when the HUMAN FAITH WAS DISTURBED by the SATAN OF THE CHURCH. In the throne and in the power to CONFESS the LORD not to seek the LORD, nothing changes in the world, the benefit to one Party is not there because GOD is the life of the SPIRIT-SOUL PARTIES, the GOD IN ME BUT ALSO I MUST BE IN GOD , the word of God

POPES PAUL II and BERNEDICT XVI . The volume CHANGING the WORLD covers the period of the 2000 incarnation through a hidden SON of the TRINITY as an Apostle, Church one of two REVELATIONS from 1984 , a POWER USE to perform magic through people giving GOD down from religion , life ARE collected witnesses (HUMAN WARS OF THE AGEThe son of THERESA LIEN , DINH ( VIET NAM ) drank the blood of the magic from the apple juice, prick the blood to offer YES to GOD , so that the drop of blood would be a witness OF THE TRINITY. 2000 HOLY MARKS through the Apostles of the Church There are SAINTS from the Church DOWN to ME to learn about the SPIRITUAL-SOUL .( Documents through many thousand pages in turn handed over …)

                                                                                                                                                        I looked up at the STARS, the SAINTS told me that I had that THE SAINTS, of course I did not believe but after 25 years of GOD using my EYES and HANDS to collect the images, I saw the < 3SEAL > blood magic shown on the tissue as the HIDDEN STRAWBERRY WITH GOD in heaven associated with the Planets. 2009 I picked up sheets that from 1984 I didn’t understand much about the period 1984-1986 as a period of personal rewards and punishments, no one used the gospel to find the SAINT or the LORD was professing as I pointed from God to heaven in the clouds or the LIGHT was God’s, Faith like the day my brothers and sisters believe in <Son of the world, death > by darkness. As I began in God’s Will Destiny, I realized that God had thus opened my faith in the spirit world. As much as I object to you giving up all spooky things like incense lamps and having to turn on the lights, naturally you can’t do anything I believe. The soul of the siblings I spoke to was the brother-in-law they loved so fondly that they remembered through the friend they tried. I went to confession right away, but I told him in court that after a while I spoke, although I questioned and suspected that it was not a relative, but a devil in disguise, I had faith and felt confident in the life of God. Yes,the WORMs are in the BLOOD, the worms in the ground and countless species of WORMs control the LIVING PART IN AND ON EARTH with the same airflow. The spirit-soul parties in the darkness are interconnected beasts that are not inferior to the human mind. Insects are the blood vessels in the soil for light mammals to identify

< SOUL > SOUL in the dead realm there is life, the SOUL part is alive, life is not long. The hypocritical SATAN harasses people from the UNCLES who call souls and feed souls, those who arrogantly deny God also fellowship to < groups >in addition to accumulating the souls of the dead < still eager to live > in death, the Church sends < spirits – the > to go to the dead to fight < the mind is > is a false act (exorcizing the soul of SATAN). Wake up the clones to tease again. He really sacrificed his soul. GOD in only three THRONES has SANCTIFIED , the church sends you into the realm of death ghosts while alive affecting yourself in danger in the dying hour with disturbance, fear…. The SAINTS prayer is needed in that hour.

The soul in the world dies from the Party, praying for the good of the whole body, the whole soul at peace, if not the only child, God who took away both the soul and the body before the hour of death.

LIEN: I am no longer as emotional or sad when I visit the dead as I am today (15 August 2009)

HOLY : do you still think I am still you ! no, it’s not that you’re a heartless person, but you’ve been ONE for a long time getting into the habit of going to the dead to ONE

In COMMAND-2000 STARTING from a HOLY SPIRIT, the Lord says. FIRST SUN 1964 LAVANG, QUANG TRI, second 1984 and third LORD shining in the sudden midday rain of bright sunshine USA. I could no longer see the way to walk in fear, pull the car to the sideline, and blurt out “MY LORD!” Immediately the sunlight shone brightly through the glass of the car, the rain water was not clearly visible, but continued the process of originating the LORD of the Sun completely moving miracles,.I completely believe in the LORD at this time.

The SPIRIT-SOUL Party works to connect heaven from the HOLY from the MATERIAL UNIVERSE FATHER to the FATHER-like blocks, GOD by HEAVEN and EARTH.

As SPIRITUALS of rank II AND III who are the LORD in the SPIRIT-SOUL PARTIES, living in the structure of the human body is like a < marbles > pushing insects into a puddle of LIVING BOND in the garden of disc flowers, genitals of the mother. It is no longer easy for me to open my words like a lay son to a priest after I have given <TOOLS > completed as a SPIRIT-SOUL net, that is, without much contact to position oneself in any aspect of the cardboard net that the LORD through me brings.2009 an entire UNIVERSE with GOD as Father for you to appear through many miracles in HEAVEN before or after the proclamation . Everything must be through the church, from the PRIEST that has a beginning, the gift from the church to give the SON the work of the servant of God, that the WILL of God has time and an end, is the word that wakes me up when I get angry easily at those whom I feel are driving away the LORD. I am depressed and ashamed, but thanks to the STIGMA and the BLOOD prick, I swear to the LORD to help me the SOUL-STRENGTH that according to God no longer shows when the LORD has not intended it. neither happy to be in distress nor angry .

. Link TAO, Life, the event that makes the power to HAVE FAITH has the hand of the SECOND REVELATION LORD. ( volumes addressed to the Church, to the Government and to others who are beneficial to the work of the LORD DOWN 2000.

OPEN the starting gout . I came back after 22 years, alone with God I wrote , God said it was REAL BIBBLE .is real because I am a person who does not have a degree that can FEED THE FEELING FROM THINGS TO HEAVENLY AFFAIRS that I have been following for decades , note writing in the hands of the LORD all HEAVENLY matters. GOD SEND , I am no longer afraid of earthly people. I am the faithful servant of the church, zeal is not enough that storks must patiently bear the whipping of the mouth of mortals. But the more difficulties it is, the harder it is to enter one’s soul , the SECULAR man is often a dua , the MONK God sent me , not LUCIDITY is caused by the reaction of doubt fear of losing the opportunity to welcome the LORD into his home ,( witnesses to 2000 without results ) also from this I did not come when the LORD did not send me much after a few journeys The courageous test also gave me an understanding of why the LORD commands the church to mislead people the way of the LORD. The time of the writing day is many, before and after the handing over of VOLUME I, the longer the time enters the shining KINGDOM and the LORD enters through my hands step by step parallel to the earthly world with man, the church transforms pleasing to the LORD through the guidance of the SAINTS on the Fall where the SON proclaims the Lord to become man in the human WORLD. Derived from many sources, there is LOVE from the SON of GOD manifested through the Church. I read and collected the evolution of the religion through the writings of many intellectuals, whose word red has the judgment from GOD in a brief and more inclusive crayon, Volume II works in this format.

The more time I recorded, the more I didn’t talk when I came into contact with AI because I opened my mouth to be me, but I believed there was always a GOD to reconcile with me, so I couldn’t speak without thinking, so the thinking didn’t fit in the family atmosphere, My friends let me up every time I attended a fun, it felt as uncomfortable as a lie because I couldn’t be in the role of transmitting God’s word as SELF-indulging me into a different person. I am reminded of my spiritual FATHER saying a comforting word: you will suffer very much when you imprison for the LORD … He was the one who gave me his blessing the first time I met him, He gave me hope even though I didn’t see anything He could make him feel like he shared, at least there was a place for me to lean on even if I avoided the part of my life as a layman, but to the extent I am a spiritual-part son.

                                                                                                                                                  I have preached REVELATION, so have I written, I do not live my personal thoughts in my mind much after a long time of focusing on receiving, distributing or hoarding, what is I myself need to verify what I doubt, GOD does not work in my soul is completely meaningless or will not enter into the subject, very little confusion after thousands of pages, what God is trying to do or an unfinished thing that needs to continue I can easily get to the point.

Judging which parts are God’s, over time I realize which parts are God’s will or God’s. for afterwards always in my mind continues the Spirit of the HOLY Exodus, it is I who embodies the GOD writing in the missing part and through many demonstrations from the events that occurred, sometimes tearing away completely the Period before entering the three volumes intended by the GOD, there is no longer writing, but reading the DAO developments through the telephone math from the web to see the parallel process between man and GOD through the headings of ASTRONOMY, PRIESTHOOD gives rise to GRACE and CORRECTION from the HOLY SPIRIT in the Church, the image of the ANGEL in Rome receives the EMBODIMENT of the TRINITY After 25 years, it is impossible not to cease to be as happy as a child because there are so many volumes written After so many years now it is a wonderful way . if it is not clear sometimes I cannot sleep but keep hanging around the unclear VOICE< prison and from the vortex > the left ear , only the left side shows a slight weight of the role I need to pay attention to but normally the left ear does not hear the voice if I cover the right ear in the aftermath of the 1971 car accident but also when I see God appear to wake me up I regained consciousness ( MY SOUL document ) The word LORD has a clear ending or sometimes put away because of a different development until it takes years to remove or put it in another related heading., the removal of many sheets is there without the abandonment of the whole , There is a picture or another witness passing through another person, so the time seems like nothing else if I don’t make arrangements myself. The result of what I am writing sometimes takes a different direction, this is usually because the GOD according to the times FROM man determines.but the human world is so full of SATAN that the GOD IS INCARNATE to have TIME for people to see the CENTRICITY OF THE CHURCH and USA in the time of 2000 , there is a SON from heaven in the HOLY , the HOLY VIETNAMESE, through the Vietnamese woman please < YES > TRANSMIT , transmit the opening of the SPIRIT-SOUL The Vietnamese Church, the favors fromthe MARTYRS, works in the role of HAVING THE FATHER as JESUS in the TRINITY OF GOD as the Father whom the SAINTS love, the people under the world bless and celebrate but DESCEND to enter the SPIRIT-SOUL Light, ( illuminated through miraculous events arouse the spirit-soul lifeline nested in the events , MIRACLE SUN .

Sanctified life I saw the way the FATHER walked and had a MIRACLE in parallel with the proclamation that had been given.

From 1984 to 1986, two years I was like a CROSS because people questioned me and left me to fight FROM my relatives, following God in tears just because no one believed I had a LORD. I needed the help of a priest so that everyone in my family would give me peace and judge me so that I would be angry like an evil man, which I was always rejected. . The more opposition the LORD takes me higher, the parish priest does not receive it, the easier it is for God to take me to the Bishopric.

The starting path is ecclesiastical, from parish to bishopric by law. A person who is not rich in fame or a position outside of society has a hard time believing that I can go everywhere I have to go that God tells me to go. < the priest-priest > judge whether I will take a step forward or not. No one can administer God’s COMMAND without crossing the threshold of HEAVEN. The LORD asked me if you believe it, drop a drop of Blood. between two drops Blood on a tissue from the hand of the son who fed me mango and then handed it over to wipe his mouth … apart from the image of the LORD of HEAVEN in the cloud of the day of the crucifixion I believe there is a LORD. I believe that I do not find anything else even reading the Holy Book is only after I have the wrong LORD, I read so that the idea of right and wrong that the church does not open to the sheep, the Holy book as if it is being used, clergy many factions, instruct the SAINTS <shrink > not advance not to step up to the level from which the LAW of Heaven is not easy to escape if not spiritual, from LIVING In faith, I fully love CHÜA and trust in the LORD. I also have a lot of hardships in my life and sinful temptations, but I don’t think I commit and confess because every time I go to confession, it is just a lot of recitation, confession is boring as if it is not real, so in the moment of offering the holy BLOOD of the LORD I am very emotional because I judge myself and often tear up the emotions of GOD What manifests itself in my mind , I often see it expressed

1984 I was 42 years old, one of many other miracles TWO DROPS OF BLOOD, one of the FATHER, one of the LORDS spoke, I instead of fear was faith in GOD over all authority, I did not BELIEVE in SATAN but believed in SATAN to test me, then God sent my own children, MY CHILDREN in April 1984 there was – Pham <,Thu Suong 19 years old left – BLESSED 17 soul transformation magic great person, walked when I spoke like a handicap , my sister HAI ( LISA ) saw it crying I woke her up it was a miracle , Phuoc lay in a coma to the next day without God saying I did not wake up . After I got up, I joined them in the prayers, and then the rain fell on the door like mist. After a few minutes of reading the 7 sutras, God told me to read a lot, God understoodthen God told me to take the second thread to pass my child around my neck and hold it tightly in my hand for a few seconds, the other second thread was bright yellow like brand new, and I cried out <oh> – 16-year-old Hai witnessed his brother’s disability, this son LORD sent to pick up the phone, then this son knew where his sister was going but listened to her unspoken. Another time in more majesty the LORD used me to open the question again, this son showed fear and cried and said he was afraid of the MOTHER trying to beat his sister, the time when the MOTHER was the hardest, the family everyone dreamed of being a child , God said that thanks to the sacrifice of this son the LORD came down , I don’t believe it easily, but the hourly miracles in action keep taking me, I no longer suffer for you or think of you, but day and night I sit down to write, the writing is now confusing, it is all down to the Church. Person She told everyone about the LORD, everyone said that the MOTHER was crazy, the MOTHER knew that no one believed it, so every day, apart from going to the market to take care of the food shop that was a common place with the younger brother and then with his parents, was to spend the rest of the day and all night sitting and writing without stopping and not reading again at the stage like the LORD is trying and I’m afraid to stop GOD leaving me. after I had asked yes and swore I was relieved, entering a calmer phase in which my body was as emaciated as a sick person,. — — PAGE 14 The son peeled the onion on the black day of the ashes and turned itself clean and white, the son ran up to the dining room cheering for a miracle , believing it was a miracle , now my children had witnessed several miracles before but did not remain in their minds , After years of asking, I don’t remember.

——————-The LORD says: in transformation disappears not from man but from the soul from the body that makes the transformation, the BLOOD stain from man or matter evolves according to the will of man BELIEVE. The appearance of flowers at the house of the SON (DING FAMILY) as when writing the son asks what symbol the SAINTS are, the Lord says COLOR, the son asks what color is the color of the Saints, the LORD has not written the color, in oc6 shows the blue color and the EYES of the son at the same time look at the altar, a small vase of blue flowers at the same time said already on it. The BLUE color from the khaki battle changes, the color makes the cover send to proclaim the news of the GOD coming down, the BLUE color of COMET HALLY is the LORD in the universe that the active image has the hands of the 2000 SON, TRINITY. BLUE is the color to receive that works from the miracle 1964 QUANG TRI VN the khaki battle turns blue, COMET HALLY when flying blue , the images of comets or planets STARS are many but the UNUSUAL PERFORMANCE is an EVENT. The client gives 5 TIPS coins which is enough for five children present. Each of them wrote a word of remembrance for her on that coin, the words of the MOTHER , ROBERT the youngest 8-year-old son born in AMERICA wrote in VIETNAMESE, a miracle of daily miracles at the stage when the LORD gave me upwards THE SON OF GOD , , – RADIO 12 . the softest son always smiles without showing anything , I often tell him to go to bed early.

  • ROBERT– 8 years old, this son performs the role of an Angel parallel to me, showing me from actions such as the shoebox he is playing with me the image of a coffin that speaks of death, the next day the spirit of death of the Russian leader dies, the cross handed over to me after 4 months in the Cross TO AN APOSTLE, The image of ROCKETS, two exploding spaceships (challenge and Colombia) in the war between the FAITH-Church, speaks of the RESURRECTION through the SONS in the world that is going up to the HEAVENS to recognize GOD as real life.
  • The human world destroys the EARTHREVELATION II said — The Earth was fractured 2/3 and sank into the depths. Many causes come to this son, this son is also very disadvantaged in the world, I struggle for time to receive wrongs, always afraid not to please my LORD as I have missed so many things that need to have duties that I have < not > , but after 25 years I am still in the hands of GOD, is the TRINITY which continues to be recognized according to the GOD PROGRAM, through the SONS of the CHURCH.
  • Before BLOOD CHEMISTRY from the can of APPLE juice God asked me if I would accept to drink this can of BLOOD , I ACCEPTED , the thick waves in my hand seemed to be BLOOD I knew it was a miracle , I was afraid of BLOOD but in faith instead of fear I was touched because the LORD loved me , vile man . I believe I learned and listened to books when I was 8 years old in 1950. Listening to the reading at home the timeline my father brought into confession on a big holiday and then I refused to go home (MY SOUL DOCUMENT) too small but attentive, dignified during the reading hour before every meal glad to go to Mass early in the morning.
  • Since I have been diligently in God’s will I no longer think of going to Mass as compulsory, but when I have come to find my SOUL more in tune with an unclear subject that is often governed by the ceremony, I am no longer as carefree and emotional as I used to be unless I agree with the PRIEST involved in my work Revelation is different. . And also from my own requests I was so calm that sometimes I wanted to go to the house to work GOD but also could not carry out even though sometimes I asked and I could not go , the reason for not being able to do it was the items needed to be read every day , Print documents right when I’m paying attention to an event that has pictures or read documents I need to read to make my writing clearer. the latter also need because in every person God has only his own languages in them, so there may be no such thing as not in their hands, in writing for the 2000th century there is no exception such as using references to the word of the LORD, there is the difference that God gives first and then references later. I have always revered them and even though the centuries of religious life have changed, the cause of sainthood is not easy for everyone, I no longer have as many feelings as I used to do every time I enter the house of God, the displays of too many forms and money make people’s hearts not much time to agree.

At the family gathering party with the PRIEST UNCLE from Rome, I said in my heart that you take care of your body too much, how can you still give it to your soul, I always love the RELIGIOUS LIFE but not to be drawn into material things but to suffer sins from people. You do not enter the body nor resolve , you are the shining part of your soul that gives me < ideas > but in me Mercy for you although not a little I am dissatisfied with the pride of priestly authority, the way of life according to human progress that requires being born competitive even in the monastic ranks, but living in the LORD I feel that judging someone is not easy because everyone is introverted. Judging oneself is also flawed, from the MIND belonging to the spirit-soul, the mouth of the tongue by the flesh, God saying God can only come to everyone through the Mind is the only walk for the LORD the way to connect the Divine current 2000 is the mark from the Saints resurrected in the power of the Trinity Read some brief sutras, The LORD told me when I kept reciting the prayers without focusing on the experience in the soul , this music is necessary to bring the soul into a moment of transcendence of the body into the SPIRITUAL, God said I read without GOD understanding, reciting the prayer is like inviting the soul is the sutra that the church sets for, thanks to many people who read and have strong faith to create a spirit-soul aura, the soul flies like a thin cloud that God showed the 2000 son the day of the return of the Cross (TO THE CROSS OF THE APOSTLE),songs of praise that blend the Holy Spirit into the hearts ofpeople, the offering of the sacrifice is completed., God comes in > spiritual <. Each person’s soul is different in stage, the priest-priest is the one who consecrates the ministerial PARTY recites the Bible prayer so that there is the power of the Holy Spirit, the sacrifice < before the Holy Name of the FATHER >derived from the OLD Testament clan of the temple. blessing at Mass . The <law >apostolic influence—the Church, judging the living HIDDEN from the dead, or vice versa, the unsaved, judging the Church in distress, therefore, the Church needs someone to know about—THE LAW of GOD——-SPIRITUALITY—is that afterlife comes before the same FATHER. God FROM and BY every human being praying towards the LORD , Jesus is the LORD in the LORD Son is the second row of souls , when there is a soul there is already a GOD according to the rank of the living being incarnated. In a life where there is a sense of emotion rather than an expression, the nature often has humility and near the misery of the GOD in spirit-soul association, he always has the emotion of loving GOD and loving everyone else very kindly, that is, not with his mouth but with his tongue but with his actions, in exposed life.. When I followed the word of the LORD to knock on the door of the GOSPEL, some people suspected that I was being led by Satan, some people said that I was faking God to make money, some people who only heard that I had a miracle automatically asked to come, but these people only listened to another person and came to ask to see me.In the difficult stage of trial, GOD USES others JUDGMENT that gives me the nature < careful > in words. GOD loves lettersHuman beings have no judgment, for it is I who judge myself who always give me the opportunity to recognize the presence of the LORD and repent. All my life I have been living what I have, I have realized that it is HEAVENLY life, there is ME with GOD. Having the rank of soul IS THE WORD . The child God chooses to HAVE DESCENT also stems from the ordination for God to be master of the soul. In faith, the faith that God easily incarnates performs REVELATION. The perfect part is that from the Church, there are people of rank who know a lot of knowledge that have a HEAVENLY BOND. The Five SPIRITUAL ITEMS are more expansive, higher ranks for the SPIRITUAL Son complete volume II, in this volume the SPIRIT-SOUL works through the SPIRIT-SECTIONS, the five SPIRIT-ITEMS open the kingdom of heaven without ever opening the WHOLE Expression The son seeks images that are popular in addition to the pages written since 1984.

I am so full of sins, I judge myself without my LORD forsaking me, my time as a CHILD does not lose any personal responsibility, but I decide to forget everything I can forget, can not give my soul everything to God my soul. The LORD said, because I see miracles or I believe there are miracles. I believe right from the clouds that the LORD goes to heaven that in the film about the LORD when I was a child, even before the LORD came to give REVELATION 2000 to the church I still believe. A very small FAITH in the GOD without questioning from time to time A woman God sent to take pictures in the cloudy sky, also from the faith a beautiful cloud in the sky is where the BUDDHA appeared with the image of the Mother. The story of an eyewitness after Hurricane RITA in TEXAS HOUSTON did not come. In the images of the film reel the couple took from in front of a market door to come out, there is an image of MOTHER I asked her why she meant to take this image, the answer is that she finds the cloud so beautiful and she believes that BUDDHA BA is often on the cloud, she did not expect that after washing the image there is a picture of MOTHER on the CLOUD, In the process of taking notes I was directly written through magic which my mind did not understand at all, but because not much knowledge was given, after writing I did not understand much if for no reason put me to read into the pages of notes through the < POWER OF GOD > , Writing and deleting is also a lot, when removed, there is absolutely no complete abandonment of the volume, only one is dominated by the issue, absolutely cannot be copied by the writer . < the flow of > does not record, but just continues to circle very obscurely, not knowing what to write when the LORD does not begin. After thousands of pages, I have a firm grasp of the problem when writing badly by understanding many issues according to the understanding from reading the document in parallel with talking with the SAINTS. It is necessary to find out the truth through the news of the press, this stage is a computer, then the LORD then clarifies by miracle through others who pay attention to which topic. Events occur in the order that the LORD is placed in three volumes (each volume is many hundreds) of writing, gathering relevant facts that are written through images or related articles that have evidence from others, such as inducing others to take pictures, monitoring changes from the church from the words of the Pope, How far from the bishops judged what the propagation from me was fruitful and then from there continued. 2009


‘ Church leads man to deviate from the way of the LORD ‘

( speech 1984, is concluding volume II as of 2009)


  • I always feel sorry for the priests who work too hard, worry about the parish for the rest of their lives, how can I leave time for my soul.

2000 HAS in common the word SPIRIT-HOLY SOUL GOD in man.

After 25 years of the SPIRIT-SOUL theme 2009 is the year for the Spirit-Priest-Church to declare the parallel Spirit-LORD enlightenment in the SPIRIT-SOUL section, Spirit Parties, Vol. II

The FATHER dwells in the HEART of the MONK who lives in the moment of giving BODY and BLOOD , the LORD comes, the church is one PARTY, God wills three thrones, the FATHER is the SON but the LORD of the soul of men thanks to the church for SAINTS,

RANKS I, II, III of class time from the SPIRIT-HOLY SPIRIT, the MONKs who learn about the SPIRIT-SOUL arrange their own soul-part and then from God-god to preach in the new folk to ensure the next life

. The son bears the mark of 2000, two years of beginning to carry the Cross with tears , the ridicule that usually remains in life with the maternal spouse returns unbelieving because I am not a MONK , of course in the idea of not being pure of the body , or if I by duty try to work the body will judge me as a SAINT who has physical intercourse flesh, that is, without being able to erase what man associates, any correction loses the MIND that the FATHER has passed the time to recognize.

  • PRIEST CANNOT BE < WOMAN > because TRINITY is only one
  • – PRIEST cannot have a family because it is already the judgment of the PARTY (church) influencing the HOLY SEE in terms of the majesty of the SAINTS in heaven but also under the SHAKING MAJESTY of party members including PRIESTS who are not many members who have little idea (promiscuity) after CONSECRATION, The main word in each individual BY themselves they were delighted and delighted that they had done something different from the human being that was like their LORD It was heartbreaking, I believe there was the presence of the Lord, my Spirit-Lord. GOD says God is not life, human body, but body. GOD–LORD incarnated in my Divine part, that is, I am the embodiment TO a HEAVENLY LORD WHO INCORPORATES the HOLY SPIRIT as the spirit lord. Revelation 2000 has the HOLY SPIRIT of the church-building, there is a MOTHER appearing in the Clouds, HEAVEN has a MOTHER, the EARTH has a CHILD who is embodied from man, thanks to the HOLY spirits who live spiritually active, there are (CONNECT) people who live well into the kingdom of the LORD ——
  •                                                                                                                                       The rosary and the ME EVERLASTING PRAYER in person, going to church or going to church is always the first job when staying at home or returning from the front. The story of MEN and WOMEN shaped the 2000th century. TRINITY, SPIRIT-SOUL is NATURElove is the key to HEAVEN.
  • I think of priests who collide physically, it is no longer clean, cannot hold the HOLY bread, the change for parishioners holding the HOLY bread to receive Holy Communion I have left many communion times when my pews do not have a PRIEST for Holy Communion , but also since then my attendance no longer wants to go to the bustling church because of the large community , The MASS needs a good singing choir, a song that praises the LORD of value, often deepens into the human HEART that has a longer lasting dimension and is easy to raise.

Every time I sit down to GOD SEND ME TO ALWAYS CLEAN MY CLOTHES and especially WASH MY HANDS. that after I received the presence of the LORD I recalled past hobbies that were related to SPIRIT-SOUL influence. Love to WATCH pictures of people in Indian movies, especially STORIES, kings, Romans love to wear scarves and scarves on their heads from children, etc., when I receive grace from HEAVEN I live in the spirit of GOD as if it were all from the TREATY.

Each matter of course always has a word with the SAINTS in the same MIND , so it is also the word of the LORD when there is a record , if not the will of God then there is always no fulfillment of the sentence for a matter that has the Spirit of the LORD in the day of the consecration into the Law because there is judgment from the SAINTS in death into the unchangeable Law , the change does not benefit the CHURCH but also the RELIGIOUS , the human world fears , respects the RELIGIOUS CONSECRATION

                                                     Time when living WAS in the resurrection. SPIRIT-SAINT level I or II, the priest at this level on the ordination date that has a HEAVENLY Saint who is the spiritual FATHER. THE SAINTS OF HEAVEN appear in the RITE OF THE CHURCH, THE SAINTS OF THE CHURCH APPEAR. The monk has twice been judged, the day of his ordination , the date of arrival at the church of the corpse rite In the incense rite there is often witnessed from the SAINTS THROUGH THE PRIEST (the priest must be serious and have fervent devotion) but there may also be the presence of family members who give influence to the dead and have the opportunity to judge , judgment is not a judgment court but with the protection of the SPIRIT, the soul is enveloped in peace (learning about the spirit-soul) present zealously PRAYERThere is no judgment, there is no ascension. or there is shelter . thanks to the warmth of the Spirit-Soul Party TAO — GOD IN HEAVEN DEPENDS ON WHAT LIFE YOU HAVE LEFT TO CARRY OUT.

 The dead LIVE in prayer thanks to the living professing their NAME in love, this is still the family, thanks to the soul associate such as husband and wife or children, the soul life lasts longer, there is a chance to join the PARTY, the party is connected from previous souls, the spirit-soul through many different parties. A PARTY operating under ONE LORD from the rank of CHRISTIANITY , a religion that has an opening but no GOD in heaven , is a planet SUN rising from the Moon that guides having HOLY Spiritual Storage in the holy spirit that every PARTY has Holy Spirit Grass God but not enough TRINITY , * 2000 thanks to the angel-church working according to REVELATION that the FATHER manifests the SHAPE, planets, miracles from HEAVEN illuminate the religious structure that recognizes GOD as the FATHER, must make it clear to the PARTY of BELIEF that towards calling for prayer in the right name has the opportunity to connect *


–< professing > NAME, The LORD is not with anyone at all times but must pray through the image of INCARNATION so that from there (ordinary people, all religions or not) SPIRITUALITY is present or clan related, influencing those who have no soul before the hour of death or have died have the gift of salvation, The deceased also depend on the way of death that has different times.

– The body is impregnated and kept at home and prays continuously without fear of the soul merging < the GHOST > are false Satans who are in the image on the EYES screen, the LIVING have the SOUL in this way, destroying the living that is called the SOUL merger in the same way. Any form of soul-feeding or elimination does not bring good to the living when he dies

– FORCING the corpse in the way of filtering the body brings the danger in the HEAVENS as far as possible, because it is the image of PURGATORY surrounded by the world’s brothers < a few hours, days> , there is no HELL , hell is human life with flesh , Living carnal life from the harsh nature of craving < taste > flesh, after carnal intercourse is far from over, there is an increase in lust (a monk is still only a human being far into a pool of <mucus > so that the mark is against the law, the soul all life until death, through death, every way of dying still looks back on the past path, now dying if there is family life, it is a great comfort for a person, whoever he is, the SAINT must also feed the soul in love to ascend gently and look back at his body.

GOD IS EVERYWHERE ALL THE TIME. the place of death is usually still a familiar place with love, the family where is familiar when living and also after death so every family needs the altar GOD to light the MARK for the spirit to come, the altar GOD for each family is very important, as long as there is reverence and prayer, there is COMING to the holy line, Buddhism feeds the SOUL through incense but it does not mean that CATHOLICISM must do the same as another religion to show love. DADDY, I’m like DAD. Smoke incense has the attraction of the soul of a loved one through the SON of a person, the soul recognizes the TASTE of incense the taste of acquaintance HOLY soul, has connected in man to SPIRIT-HOLY since living there is no grass left in the corpse, but resurrection after 3 DAYS the corpse has rotted, completely isolated from the SOUL thenThe new LORD is resurrected through a living person, borrowing the SPIRIT-SOUL of the living who is the child of the LORD who concludes the SPIRITUAL-HOLY origin in the PARTIES of JUDGMENT before ENTERING THE HOLY GARMENT like spiders is the rank of LORD in the LORDS of the Heavens

( referring to the ritual of transformation of CHRISTIANITY on New Year’s Day remembering ancestors with crowns in the church of Vietnam, although showing communion but not affecting the benefits of the PARTY, in addition to the church there is also the family. The church of worship in the law of ONE RELIGION , worship of LOVE of people in unmistakable solemn rites guide the SOUL from error, the holy place where the living are the givers of the Party is always a place of judgment but it takes a lot of time to create faith , matter distracts the mind BECAUSE EVERY RELIGION is self-made has time

The Holy Priest HAS the rank of EXECUTOR but often dies due to abuse of function. It is only the Spirit Man who protects the Son in distress that is glorious because of the contract with GOD, only in misery can man destroy Satan in the flesh, the word of the LORD. The FATHER in heaven is the KING but when incarnated is the same as the child, in the body is the mucus of sin, in the body structure, even in the human body, but must be in contact, so there is a need for true monks , OBEDIENCE, humility, love from the HEART, there IS a strong bond like a shining spirit-soul (a STAR) living in Grace SHINING GOD . People who practice RELIGION have good results for the religion, merit for the religious community also follow the LORD, ONE God who is guiding the Authority in MINISTRY must always be humble for the COMING OF THE LORD, LEADING THROUGH THE MIND discernment. It means COUNTING ON THE STARS as you see it

                                                                                                                                                   ——-Teresa of Calcutta the image on the altar of the Missionary Day is a mistake, bringing faith into the minds of the laity as HOLY, the church-SANCTIFIED from MATERIAL work. JUDGMENT 2000 There is a Proof that God gives through another person who speaks of physical darkness , the MIND cannot have a clear judgment because in the < of the mind >there are no two thoughts, the presence of the HOLY IS not my thoughts in one idea but in the judgment , writing is clear because God is the manifestation in my MIND, there is a time when there is a chance to correct wrongs not far away. . There is always a mixture of judgments in the PARTIES, but if there is a SPIRIT-SPIRIT from HEAVEN, then the LIGHT < manifest in the > son. When living there is honesty from the TIM which is the < sympathetic > physical to the humble act of BELIEF there is GOD always < manifestation > other ideas on the soul , different natures always doubt even though swear to the BELIEVE, life is always in trouble, TERESA CULCUTTA The Church of the Holy Order requires the church to show humanity the LORD at the meeting of the BISHOPS in Rome , The five sons who gave the stone to the Houston Pastor brought to the Church in 1985, preached

NAME-CALLING , worshipping the spirit-soul image that lives for a while. That is, the CONFESSIVE COMMUNITY useful for the deceased to be resurrected or returned from the spiritual-spiritual roots that lie, the family of birth, the ecclesiastical community where the parish community has a long life and permanent work that impresses the minds of the laity, there is no respite from the community because it is a place that guarantees a strong spiritual-soul enthusiasm that is sufficiently lucid and useful for the SOUL and the < of peace >

  • The FAMILY is the source of the SPIRIT-SOUL
  • The Church is a reward from heaven
  • Community is a gift from MAN and SAINTS, both for a person to have the opportunity to be near the TRINITY.

Worship the LORD JESUS as the FATHER in the resurrected dead, the. The HOLY in the Old Testament initiates faith across many tribes as a Call Center of influence SUCCESSIVELY for centuries of profession, the reading in the Holy Book is present but also depends on whether the ceremony is zealous and dignified or not, not to receive grace but to come to repent of one’s sins and ask for sustained grace ———The Church –is the sanctuary where there is meditation on the word of the LORD has GOD, but the CHURCH IS ALSO AN UNCLEAN PLACE when the priest is unclean, the rejection must bebecause the LORD is always a spiritual-spiritual aura that comes only from one person to many, thanks to the son of GOD from a MONK. The Church has JESUS to establish the gospel also after the century thanks to the Apostolic Objects in the BELIEF that human beings have the incarnation of Saints who are CONSECRATED human beings who, despite their different natures, are uses for the HEAVENLY – THE FATHER has three PERSONS, the Father, the Son and the HOLY Throne, ( god refers to creation ) The sustained work of the HOLY ministry follows the line of the HOLY in heaven to have the FATHER have eternal life in the next SPIRITUAL UNIVERSE. Work is lightning, the Holy must be timeless because in heaven and below there is a need for a SON for the SPIRIT-SAINT to operate from BRIGHT spirits, the same image as the heavenly FATHER


  • Level I thanks to the Father bringing BOTH SOUL AND BODY from heaven in Level II
  • Monks have grades I and II depending on their official duties. GM goods are under lifting rights

The TRINITY must therefore turn itself around

that like the FATHER in a family, a diocese, the positions from the divisional church are always in agreement.

Living with the LORD in the SPIRIT PARTIES after DEATH enough time depends on the GOD having the FATHER OF THE SOUL JESUS blows a WIND FOR THE HOLY SPIRITS the GOD in heaven enters with the parties registering a SPIRIT for resurrection in PEOPLE enough time to recognize the LAST IN LIFE the 90-day period is the critical time so the body places Influential births and deaths

  • It is enough for family members to address their names and pray prayers for a period of 90 days. 90 DAYS DUE TO HUMAN HEAVINESS

Life according to GOD I feel that only I and the LORD have a clear ONE, time becomes acquainted, T takes notes and notes anywhere but without the exchange or understanding of other human developments according to each year as a sign, I will not be able to complete the path of time according to GOD’s will, through the trial of the Church. I understand what I mean by making a personal sacrifice to get rid of external troubles by learning about the happenings at work, stressing out listening to a good piece of music, walking around the house thinking about a difficult problem or writing

I do not lack all deeds and actions in one’s duty in family responsibilities, my LORD is not obliged or necessary to change any life I am attached to, but if I am not alienated, I will be in a difficult circle to escape such as being in debt, I have to pay even emotional debt, To have peace of mind is a condition for fulfilling responsibilities.. I put a lot of emphasis on my work, knowing that I couldn’t drop my brain and keep track of the events that had put the headings into every article over the past 25 years. Since 2007 towards the three VOLUMES according to God’s WILL, I have FALLEN more and more out of duty to my family. Human life is like that, to keep the soul part when living, we must know how to give up the attractions of the carnal nature.

During the long period of 25 years of judgment, there is also a lot of love from the HEAVENLY FATHER in MONASTIC life, in the religious order when I was 8 years old the LORD gave me many ideas of TRUTHFULNESS (my SPIRIT-SOUL material), the LORD takes care of me what I lack, I believe the SPIRIT-PRIESTS too, . Many times I shed tears during Thanksgiving 35 years as a priest of the priest I have many links in the work of PREACHING the GOSPEL, when I asked God to reward HIM. In the spirit of LOVE, I am glad to be touched because I have felt that the priest-priest has many times let the LORD through many tribulations , mentioning his name not without many judgments but less a monastic life with many opportunities to SANCTIFY , The person of personal understanding is often inclined to the part of life with reputation from all different logical backgrounds , His name is associated with unkind anecdotes from judgmental, judging people like my family judging me. This time , this glorious happy day from the people of the world celebrates the honor of Consent FROM HEAVEN, there must be perfection , this I have seen in work , when there is no AGREEMENT there is a lot of trouble even if there is an end , even if there is a personal effort , or write too, the sign that man waits for the LORD from his own fluttering HEART, believing in obedience, obeying all things that are happy and sad to GOD. God loves his child very much in parallel GOD also wants ME to be separated from my body so that my SPIRIT-SOUL can have REAL LIFE IN GOD

The words of the LORD are not many but the truth, I have the Spirit-Soul in me, this word in the thought of the bachelor priest


The family is a VOCATION when the FATHER who is a SAINT, the RELIGIOUS of the Church-Church transmits the work of MISSIONARY service, bound by anything in the SPIRITUAL-SOUL UNIVERSE by each PERSONALITY. Ohpreach the word of the LORD no one believes, around me I see that I always chalk my clothes is my turn, how to become a saint or profess to be a disciple. Yes , I am an ordinary person I cannot materially change on who I am the judgmental influence around me is not quite me , I think I need to apply to the house timeline to receive DIVINE ministry sometimesbut also because of this I am almost alienated from friends and family fun ,( MONKs do not abandon the cloak , the function is temporary because from the word I have < dressed > me a hidden function that exists GOD , the cloak signifies the total consecration witnessed by man ) the word of the LORD in the spirit-soul part VERY MISERABLE TO CARRY THE BODY SUBSTANCE PREACHES THE WORD OF GOD even though God is life in the soul


I completely believed as soon as I saw the SUN shining in the heavy rain that I had to stop the car, not seeing the way to go, but crying out < LORD I > I believe in miracles This time is the 3rd time – Quang Tri VN in 1964 for the first time, the second encroachment at USA 1985 HOUSTON house. MAY GOD SHOW YOU THAT ONCE BELIEVING IS ENOUGH FOR YOUR LIFE TO HAVE LIFE

To have faith to keep it or not is to be oneself . I am not in the habit of STRUCTURING ,once the SAINT reminded me to beg , I remember but hate anything so even though I did not say it, the LORD OF MY SOUL knew my character ,I believe so I am more and more surrendered. my lord worries about me , And that’s why I feel so sad when my dad is dying, I’m so angry. Then from this action I saw the MOON miracle appear shining on me, looking up at the dark sky after the rain. I rejoice in the words of the LORD AND ALSO OF MY FATHER in me ,I go back to my father’s house and he and my siblings rejoice that he has returned to the LORD ,come to him and raise his love, my words have the effect of replacing with cries that are words of love , husband and wife, children, each family lovingly holding hands to say sorry and love When I was alive with my FATHER, He gave me things I didn’t need to ask, but gave me nature. I don’t see everything GOD does, but when I believe and give it up, I can easily accept it. What is the work of the LORD? the work i do FROM the promise ,I no longer have the right to be discouraged and GIVE UP so I have peace of mind that works into a habit so that I am TAKEN UP BY THE LORD despite strong opposition, believing in the devil without believing in the authority of GOD and the love of the LORD, I was fierce at the weak rhetoric of that faith even to the priest-priest Yes, I pricked the dripping BLOOD between the two drops of blood on the tissue God arranged to hand over to the girl when I got home, which before I went to stay at my restaurant the LORD cut things with my own hands and cut off my hand. A drop of BLOOD, just a drop on my finger that God told me

  • just a drop of blood , Go out and wash the LORD away your pain

The vow once opened to a human being, yes, the door of SPIRIT-

SHINING GOD’S SOUL brings me to be a Saint from heaven < >with living man whose work always has the care of God-soul. The soul-change from faith is changed by the PARTY that separates the SOUL part. SOUL.

FATHER , the all-powerful SPIRIT for JESUS and the POWER OF HEAVEN , father is the DIVINE < >ADAM , the human world enjoys the grace of the Spirit through death and resurrection by < gods > whose FATHER is JESUS has living SAINTS as the successor. ONCE the only soul-giving for a lifetime , It is the words spoken by the LORD in the 2000 revelation that are also the confirmation of the MONK on the day of ordination that has been < >the image of a God-God function in the law of the DAO , if the party is wrong, the word GOD is revealed as REVELATION 2000 for the modern century to enjoy the grace < see God TRINITY , learn the spiritual-soul part >

I live in my vow to follow the Revelation and receive the thing in that sign stronger and wiser, by studying through many angels so that the LORD sends the HOLY Spirit to fulfill all the parts that need to be done, so writing over time has many parts to correct, Part II is about HEAVEN EXPENSIVE, Soul, Spirit-Soul Parties, although available since 1984, but also a DIFFICULT period. 2009 was very difficult to complete volume II because it was so immense to clear the heavens and the world.


In the heart of FATHER and son noted ABOUT Spirituality

-The priest who looks after a long-time parish parish parishioner who has affection for a FATHER , the soul of a spiritual family is useful to the priest himself, for whom the parishioner has a <fulcrum> a small soul party branch derived from good priests who are parish FATHERs

Which many parishioners have the Holy Spirit does not influence, the PARISH PRIEST has the function of executing the word of the LORD so there is judgment in the transmission of the word of the LORD, the RELIGIOUS from the PARTY have authorization but NATURE is the cause of the loss of the Spirit during FEAST. God does not connect, but it is God’s soul that comes to send the word of the LORD through reasonable rituals, creating attention and lifting the HEART of each person at Mass the emotion < choir or songs, meaningful songs of praise, prayers are a way of prayer and repentance but people often rely on the sutra without limiting themselves in the act of concluding Spirituality with others is not like me. The more zealous the more JUDGMENT there is that leaves out the forgiveness part . Also from this point I was always shown my faults by GOD from the moment I saw God in me, I felt that people had too many ideas in < my > mindLiving love and forgiveness has always been the key to peace God said, in a family parents are an example to live but each person also has a soul-part for the next life so the RELIGION is the soul, the CARNALITY is because SATAN The Party has a heavenly FATHER who is the FAITH that has the truth , 2000 learn about the TRINITY GOD , SPIRIT , DO NOT < ESCAPE > OUTSIDE THE CIRCLE OF SAINTS – JOHN PAUL II WENT TO THE CITY OUT OF WARLIKE PIETY when there is no time to CONNECT SPIRITUALLY IN THE CHURCH, ordain priests whose families are parallel to many parties plotting to break the PARTY, weaken the clergy, DOUBT the Holy Order, ordain the SAINT judge prison for the benefit of life

From ordination until death < >do not leave the celebrant ministry because the divine is not a human being but a human being < master > the body that flexes over time is always a condition of pastoral CONJUNCTION, Entry is difficult to obtain but loss is easy to trust, the soul will sleep peacefully so in any case the half-brother FATHER i.e. an ecclesiastical PARTY needs to associate < CLOSE >its monastic brothers for association, ensuring there is a HOLY soul-soul connection for each other if they have not committed the crime of anti-PARTY, the party gives up.-GM NGO DINH THUC anti-party Although the church forgives before death, the SPIRIT-HOLY only once GOD appears, however, thanks to the SPIRIT-HOLY PARTY from the loving brethren who live with judgment under salvage, it is possible not to fall into the tearing of the soul in the dying hour which is a privilege unique to the clergy.a 2000 proof with GOD WITNESS

2000 GRACE FROM THE TRINITY, opportunity to give each other the SPIRITUAL-HOLY PART.

A word of a good priest : just like a grain of sand on the sea, WHY just hope to be a grain of sand, my word again.

In the spirit-soul section I understand the FATHER from the grain of sand in the universe that joins UP into LIVESTOCK other grains of sand by < the WIND > consolidates the particles of dust in the universe into planets , fired by <FIRE > by <WATER > that jumps OUT OF THE PUDDLE OF FIRE flying in darkness ; The LIGHT throne is the FATHER so that all species that arise from within everything arise in darkness, from the mushy hardened buds that divide into puddles, there is a SLIT THAT ACCUMULATES WATER, FROM THE WATER GIVES BIRTH TO THE HOLE CHISEL goes in and dies with life that continues to reproduce all species in the burrow. Over the years, there is a SUN LORD from the mass of matter by FIRED INTO < SPHERES > rotate positions, with you material influences you are blocks of earth < flesh > near the sun swept by the cycle of light. FROM THE BOTTOM OF THE OIL together CREATE . The human world from FATHER = FIRE , MOTHER = CREATION EARTH , CHANGING THE UNIVERSE FROM HUMAN HANDS , miracles from heaven from and by humans under earth who have SOUL life through two DESERTS since 1984 . The upheaval from heaven has no peaceful life for the EARTH

                       THERESA LIEN, DING, the 2000 Son for LORD to Descend.



( In the dying hour )

When living or near death, life does not panic and fear over what has or has not been

Theresa Lien Dinh's Work

Theresa Lien Dinh’s Work

