The day the epidemic started in Wuhan, I searched for God’s will. Looking up at the sky always begins with contemplation. The bright STARS show before my death the previous words “are human beings.” “I started following what was happening on the news. Day and night I watched the past battles that I recorded for Revelation 1984. A World Chess ……word Monday The Earth has cracked the transformation of the tile affecting the loss of living celestial bodies in the universe as a warning Rocket kills the angels, the god of life is the source Energy from the Sun, single cells need ————to change magnetism and matter from heaven. Viruses controlled by humans are the “Head” of the “beast” block “Satan, the evil soul that lives in the The flow of people guides Heaven and Earth, part 1, volume ll transmitted 2009 Galveston Houston Bishopric, Pope Benedict 16 Phase 1ll – birth, life, resurrection is showing 2020, the milestone of 2000 has been and Recording in the world the evil army’s soul broke
(Rocket) covered the Earth with gas
Blood flowed to revive the ferocious beasts of the earth, humans raised SOULs to have life. , the life of the species because of bacteria
2020 by humans Revelation 2000 From 1984 through the Woman who is the Mother of Vietnam, Souls of 117 Vietnamese Saints hidden with the number 16 carrying out the Command. God the Father came to replace the world The 21st century learns soulfulness. The soul in the soul is life because from the Father and Mother there is the Person from God through the spark of the divine spirit for the single cells to evolve in the TWO person. The father is the LORD in the soul living like the father ADAM, the mother is the Earth, the single-celled black matter is the code that connects cells to give birth to species according to their own denominator, but all have a mucous membrane like black plastic surrounding them before birth. go out. Today is April 14, 2020. Every day in my soul, I feel pity for people in the midst of the pandemic, like I am a useless person at this time because many people know that I am the one chosen by God to preach until this day. It’s been 36 years this April. During the initial stages of spreading the news of the epidemic, I thought about the many churches that were destroyed and the Crosses that were destroyed in many places, no longer having human nature because they were banned all day. There is no Christmas in 2019! In the flow of thoughts day and night during the last few months of the year, it is not easy to ignore because this year there are too many sins, people have lost faith in the life of the soul in One God and have established all gods according to personal faith to capture the soul. establish religion. April 25, 2020 Prayer – Dear God, please save the world and eliminate the bacteria that invade the world’s people and lead them to death
2020 marks the time of evolution from plant matter: plants, all species, all varieties, only from a single cell, following the flow of water, following the blood, transforming genes into cells. Viruses are not cells yet, which means they must be It’s like a molecule that human molecules are made of because God, the Sun, explodes and then rearranges according to the laws of fire and water. The vitality of the sun has children united to Mother, the canopy of the sky. Words come from the beginningby humansas soon as it is availableSIXThe person from Wuhan had a lung disease that Dr. Luong reported to a group of 8 friends.Because it represents numbersSIXso I started following sources about VirUS. Judgment –central placebornnot long iSatisfiedRead news about China , many treesThe cross was destroyed Christmas they couldn’t do anything!!!!!! That means I saw the Virus coming at the right time!! Writing about single cells and photosynthesis in September 2019. Revelation through the Stations of the Cross hidden in many events transmitted since 1984.Holy Crossdiscern the life of God.
Humans are born from single cells and combined cell walls, but the spirit world always lives because of life even in death.Because man is the lord of the flesh.Godnot in a dark place. Viruses are life that start a chain of matter in the earth, the earth is the whole power that gives rise to species with limited regions that can reproduce. People in the 20th and 21st centuries raise their souls from dust to form, and are transformed into thoughts, not in the Spirit but in Man. What is due to humans is due to humans, God in the soul of God is always in life even in death.I headed homeVietnam, watching and pleading, NUMBER 6 people diedin Vietnam becauseCovid 19 (Wuhan)Let me learn more and ask God to tell me what I should do, like sending part I I I that God gave me to write about the soul.arose in the universeLearn about single cells that arise when there is photosynthesis (written in September 2019 and posted to the website sharing God’s A STAR
When I don’t see any signs within me, I often look outside where there are stars to make sure God is with me. Right after the news happened, I looked up at the sky and the Three Stars appeared again. My heart was not worried but just watched and judged, like me and the Saints often agree on many past events, meaning that God only come to punish or bestow the truth when completed
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1-5 USA and CANADA
Reconsecrated MaryRite of Consecration to Our Lady of the Heart Contaminated with Original Sin Friday May 1 at 3pm Eastern United States and the entire United States in communion ————- May 1 Coronavirus vaccine approved ———— “Green Monkey “ Monkeys are species with the same numbers as humans, but it does not mean that humans are born from monkeys because the earth is not a single planet, but each planet has a different starting code. People on the Fifth Planet of the Sun and Star God are equal to the Sun but there is no “fire” in the heart of the sphere because they are made of solar sand and dust, so they are pocked by the wind creating “matter”. “which gives birth to seeds. Thanks to MOTHER, the mass of “Earth” on the Tide for YOU has transformed from the single cells that were already in the waste of the planets that drowned in the abyss at each stage of the vortex of time. The 5th sphere emerged with your Destiny. From extremely small single cells, ADAM was born as the Lord of the Garden of Eden.Photosynthesis is the important factor that starts everything.The legend of ADAM is that the earth was at rest or that Planet 5 was completed because Father Sun Paradise is the earth, planet 5 has the birth of life, so it is named and has a rank. That means each planet is an asteroid, a star, and billions of stars are also dense, but they have great power near the Father of the sun, Comet, and comet is the God of the universe because of its existence. universally transforms the spheres located in space according to Father Sun. Every object in the Universe changes and sinks into darkness for a period, followed by a deep abyss when the ball no longer has any combustion inside the ball, falling back into the original oil hole. There is down and up that humans only know in. A brain is ADAM for humans, male is ADAM spirit, female is water and earth, so it is the one that gives birth to all the colors that create the universe in the air under the sky. The powerful Fairies in the Mothers, the Nuns hide the Holy Spirit from living in this death. JESUS is the Lord who gives the Holy Soul. The Holy Temple has the life of the Holy connection from the Life Line for those who combine God’s name when living. Before leaving the body, the soul of a Saint returned to heaven in the body. People who do not follow the form of dedication belong to a family or clan. Carnal union is always food for the earth, except for husband and wife who have a bond of Blood mixed with blood from the child without disruption at death through love and prayer.
June 22, 2020. Mother Mary is an image in the milestone of life of the Holy soul connected with humans in Faith, meaning the same nature of the spirit from heaven as the Holy Spirit, and Jesus is the powerful life of God the Father, so even though she is Mother is born but does not belong to Mother. Mother is like giving a “hammock” of atmospheric membrane to give birth from “Heaven” with the God of the universe in the human body, the body is the universe that retrieves its source. The space energy of the Brain, the matter of the universe, blends water and air into Blood in the bodies of all living things, transforming according to the Energy of One God, the Sun, with the order of Persons as Sons. The spirit belongs to the spirit, the dust belongs to the earth, so humans have an influence on both. God is life, dust is death or soul is life. When death exists and remains, God is the Father of the Saints created by humans from BAPTIST and connected with the Holy Spirit to One. Mother Mary through Faith has the Worship that the Religion (the church) places, then what is of man belongs to those who believe and respond according to the spirit of light, darkness to those who belong to darkness. The universe of space from the ground throws up matter that divides according to the wind and becomes Celestial Bodies in the darkness before there is light, so each object in space is always