truyen tin-eng


       ANNUNCIATION 2010

                      GIVE THE APOSTLE A CROSS                                                                                                         

In the work of the LORD I read through the religious news every day

on the internet that I cried today, at least three times, about the news of St. Geya in the Dong Chiem cemetery as it progressed. The Lord has spoken in HUAN-SINCE 1985 through my hands

……….images are just things, but any image you honor and worship is the LORD….

Yes, Catholics honor and revere above all things, tears

I no longer want to follow the path of the Cross in CONTEMPLATION, because there the evil army has taken refuge through the person from whom they really do not have the soul-part of the Phan-Khan-Tu Priest, an online article name that still claims to be < priest-pastor> I think it is necessary to add hooks like nails to be carried away The unhelpful title also calls him a priest, that title for the STATE COMMUNIST to use as a witness SON OF THE CHURCH is not without the name of the devil. Among you there are FAKE brothers who tell the army to continue to execute monks and lay people (today January 22 is still in prison) Miracles GOD radiates images many times, many places through images MOTHER for CHILDREN Vietnam 2008 , Events of the times , Vietnamese Catholics are the children of the INCARNATE SPIRIT who reveal the CENTURY’s SALVATION.not far away or do not believe because they do NOT UNDERSTAND the scriptures or do not study the teachings of the Church but for the sake of the world to lose their soul! . . It seems that the GOOD NEWS from the SAINTS through the Apostolics sets the Jubilee Year as an opportunity to give each other the CROSSES of faith that bloom in the heart of their HEARTS that are still red (opening the JUBILEE year in their homeland) .but the BLOOD peach obeys, they want the LORD to reveal themselves but they do not understand the LORD’s revelation as life in heaven are storms that the world always challenging and God always protects mankind and sacrifices me.

Atheists, minds stuffed with SATANIC insects, beasts of Eden wearing human corpses, they have been and still stubbornly live in the society of SATAN bosses, not strange and sad, pity them, it takes time.

Instead of loss and shame is pride for GOD that I have the opportunity to offer you tears, blood, 21st century shackles from the sacrificed HOLY SOUL SONs for whom many are forgiven. the word of the LORD the Father speaks to me in ancient times but also now INSPIRED because the LORD loves as I love you above all

I believe in GOD’s love because the LORD shed his blood on the cross from which the GOD transforms life in the resurrection and gives the HOLY SOUL to HUMANITY according to the will of the FATHER who is the LIVING LORD One heart with the CHRISTIANS carrying the CROSS , they bear the whip for the LORD , to have the LORD in me, which transforms in brothers to each other the SPIRIT-SOUL part

THE HOLY CROSS IS JESUS WHO IS KING OVER KINGS, LORD OVER LORDS, POWER OVER POWER, GOD GIVES THE SPIRIT TO APOSTOLIC SERVANTS through Love of others because HE SHOWS ME THE SOUL PART, THE LORD in heaven is God enough to be three thrones. The CROSS is the SPIRIT-SOUL power is the heavenly SPIRIT < > itself for SPIRIT-SOUL power eternal life God is true life, so rejoice, every Christian

those who fear the CROSS that HAVE the OPPORTUNITY to advance before the LORD From the CROSS to consider which soul they are carrying, or to abandon the opportunity to show their heart to the LORD thinking only that going to church and reciting prayers like a parrot reading the mind without showing any images of worship does not bring the spirit-soul benefit to the next life.

The CROSS is the image of God in all three persons

The recurring shedding of the BLOOD of the Cross is a sign that God has always been in life for CENTURIES that evolved man under the ,., God said ………….Who is man? those who ask themselves questions and then bow their heads and beg God to forgive me for my sins because I am the son of God, but who explains to me because I am part of the fabric of Satan in HEAVEN and in the WORLD.

And the Lord also said

……….If you worship the image of suffering, hurry up and find yourself a HOLY tree to assume the name of the Son of God

THE WORD OF GOD IN THE EXHORTATION, REVELATION 2000 from April 30 -1984 .Annunciation 1-22-2010


Theresa Lien Dinh's Work

Theresa Lien Dinh’s Work

