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Give the Apostles a Cross

C HO Apostle One Cross

One nine, eight, four

One day, I obeyed the saints and bought a cross according to their wishes, avoiding the temptation of the devil to preserve my life.

I bought after many choices. The cross that I liked was that I couldn’t buy it in a refugee situation… At that time, everything was for me to go to school, and one day, after I had asked the Lord to leave, the Lord said to me, <Buy the Cross that you like, which will be a gift for your fourth and second birthday, of the Saints to you>

I was overflowing, I resisted, I was touched and understood the love of the LORD

I understand, but I also understand that God understands what I mean, I didn’t buy it, but I couldn’t hold back my tears because I loved God and because of the hardships in life. The Lord has said

God will let me stay at my bank house

I shook my head and thought about that statement in my mind, wondering how? I remembered the day I went down the street to make an appointment with the director of St. Joseph’s Hospital, Mrs. AMELIA. I met her from Bishop JOHN L. MOKOVSKY in June 1984 sent under the law a search of the mind, whether the mind is normal or not. She was shown a miracle by God the next day I brought my certificate that I was normal. She smiled and said I saw a miracle and after seeing the miracle SHE eagerly asked me what I wanted her to do, I said

THE LORD SENT ME to present this book to the Bishop of the Diocese but it was written entirely in Vietnamese, so the Bishop wanted her help. She knew because the Bishop had called her on the phone before I arrived. She quickly took the first black book in hardcover in my hand, she said: the bishop wanted to translate it into English, while she was speaking, she wrote the name of the church with the Vietnamese father and the address on a small pale yellow paper and then pasted it on the cover of the book. The book BEGINNING writes judgment very quickly, the writing is very bad, showing anger at the judgment of the church. Tell me to come at the address she wrote down and ask them to translate it to see what God wants to say. The Church has the first WRITE father in HOUSTON TEXAS.

I was halfway there, but the lord said that I was parking under a grove of trees on the side of the road, and the lord said

I was exactly 4:00 p.m. looking at the clock on a very tall building in front of my eyes, I saw that it was only 3:15 that I listened seriously to God at hours like this, God told me a lot of problems that I wondered about, but God Himself put into my mind people’s questions and then gave me answers before letting me write to the pages

looked at the clock I felt impatient and had the idea of wasting gas I looked at the clock I shook my head and laughed The saints said

The saints filled my car with no gas today.

When those words were expressed, it was also the time when the clock in front of me was far away, the number 3:58 flashed and I counted 4 times, I briefly remembered that the saints had said

Please go

I have seen and I believe but the lord said he would pay it back At my bank house I don’t believe it, the saints said

Tomorrow morning, before you go to the journalist’s house, visit your bank, and he will give you money. I had an appointment with the editor of Today newspaper on August 7, 1986 to talk about a danger to the world, which is the white matter from heaven brought back to earth by spacecraft at the address

But before I left, the Lord said

Go and put away your money that you are keeping to take care of the LORD your family needs it.

I understood that God deliberately arranged for me to put money in the bank when I arrived, God told me to park in the place where the bird had reserved my place for me, the bird is a species that symbolizes the meaning of the number for a person and God uses a separate color to refer to each different person. The combination speaks to the WORD connection I went into the house and did the paperwork very normally, the AMOUNT of $600 still kept the expenses for posting, buying supplies, etc. v.. Putting in is something I don’t want, I don’t want the trouble between my family and God’s work when I’m not done. The paths of the Cross are judged by man, the opposition of the family like madness, the devil enters and steals many things from miracles for me to testify.

I calmly took the receipt and walked out, but as soon as I came out the door I was startled by the number 1600 on the receipt. God told me it was just a miracle that God would deceive them with customers.

God and I said in the same < the BRAIN > miraculously confirmed to me that the 1,600 amount was God’s intention for me to buy the cross, I bought the cross for that money. Just as God said, it is just a spell, and the person who hits the wrong number at that time has the Lord COMING but the accountant does not. That is, the amount of difference they have adjusted

The cross I had, decided to wear only When I went to the Lord’s work so I left it on the altar.

But the day after the cross, I did not execute it correctly, that is, when I intended to go to a shrimp seller to get shrimp, I took the cross to wear. When I got out of the car, the saints asked me if I had a day off, where else do I need to go today?

I thought about it I remember making an appointment with a translator to Pope Paul II I felt sorry for God for not doing the right thing when I CARRIED the cross

bought shrimp and got shrimp within 20 minutes, sat back in the car and panicked BECAUSE the rope fell off and the cross was gone. I was like a sinner who panicked Searching for only the rope left

God didn’t give me a word at this time, and I had to leave after a long search

When I came back when I had just parked my car in the yard, God said

“The death of my dog is an omen, the cross of the god has been taken, the bird has taken it and will return me one day.”

I am LIKE A SINNER who does not keep my promise to wear it when I work HIL. The saints comforted me but what is the dog The very next day my dog spontaneously ran out into the street and was run over to death, THIS is written in the order to Pope JOHN PAUL II in parallel with the news that the pope was CRUSHED. This period is very confusing, stemming from the actions of the pope that greatly affect the Church with the Holy Spirits of the Church. The lament of the bishop of GALVESTON HOUSTON TEXAS when I wrote the words of REVELATION ” the Church has taken man astray from the path of the WORLD “

Four months passed, I lost my cross, I felt as if I had no time to regret or fear, for every hour apart from my duty to my family, at least, I devoted myself to the work of RECORDING the WORD that God sent me. As God, when I was putting the document into the computer today, March 2006, I was able to discern God, the difference in the part of the Holy Spirit, the angel god, the soul party, the soul party, the document written through each class. I can discern, the Lord has shown me to see you through the handwriting of the last word, always in full power. After 22 years of working in the Lord and the Saints, I have ascended to ONE of the works that the LORD sends

The Day God Returns the Cross

This morning I got up early I gently came out of the room on vacation my children were still sleeping, the youngest son was sitting watching TV With the belongings of an EIGHT-YEAR-old child, I took care of breakfast for him and then continued to write the book of the Lord of the Son – JESUS – about the Passion of the Lord, Today in Lent.

ROBERT Come to my side and slap my hand to give me a startle, the cross that I lost has come back from my child’s hand after 4 months, the word of the god after the loss ” the cross of the god took away the bird will return it to me one day “

4 months have passed, my tears have flowed so that the cross in the palm of my hand embraces the harmony of Love, as if embracing the word of God. I thanked my child many times and I asked my child

Where did you find it, why did you give it to me now?

My child said

The dog I found in the garden, I saw him dig me, I saw him pick me up, I know this is my mother’s. My child’s words gave me you don’t believe

The dog died after the day of the loss of the cross, there is no dog Today it is 23 degrees cold, there is light snow, 10:00 am I said happily to you. Thank you, I’m very happy

I suddenly remembered the stone that my child gave me for the first time I looked back at the cross in my hand so small that it came back just as God SAID I remembered the one-dollar note I gave my child to write words of love to my sister ROBERT wrote in Vietnamese even though my child was born in the USA , didn’t learn Vietnamese at all

ROBERT has been standing there and looking at me Hesitantly saying I see the dog….. I was engrossed in receiving the Lord’s words, I took a coin from the briefcase for my child and said

When you are silent or you write me don’t break you, I reward you and reach out for a bill for you

ROBERT Again said do you like me…… ROBERT said that he didn’t know what to say, shook his head and pouted thoughtfully, and then said that I have 25 cents for you.

The money in the bible suddenly thought, find 25cm i to give to me, God said

“God has given me nothing, now I take care of preparing breakfast, my children are about to get up,” I obediently kissed the cross in immense love, and returned to the big armchair, Even though it was cold, I had to put a small blanket over my legs. When I have God and the saints, I always laugh secretly in my heart like a father and son, secretly afraid of being crazy.

In this room, ROBERT used a shoebox to give me the idea that it was a coffin, and the next day news that KHRUSHCHEV, the President of Russia, had died. In this same room, on the day the Lord sent ROBERT to give me the box with the stone, the LORD said that this stone will be given to my children on the wedding day, just as the Lord said, and five more stones appeared on the table on the next day, adding up to six full six children, as the Lord said, Words express strange things like miracles because they do not exist and are seen but appear

I sat in my chair as usual and thought about what God had done. Reading nearly nine pages of paper, two pages of paper and drawings, the changes of heaven and earth, the life of Jesus, there are many other things in the GOSPEL OF THE NEW TESTAMENT. I couldn’t do a single thing WHEN GOD DID NOT SEND MY SOUL AND BODY, once ‘LIKE A CLOUD’ near my face, making me stunned. A dragon that glides so thin as ‘clouds I mean’ It is the soul, the lord says it is the soul

Oh, at this stage, I have lived a real life, a person who is no longer afraid of who I am. My soul is as solid as THERE IS ALWAYS GOD, my heart is as moved and tearful as LORD Himself has given me to have it all in a separate feeling . SOUL LIFE HAS GOD, GOD HIMSELF, SAINTS in life, so I become silent to live both of them are to let go of unnecessary material needs and to give up what is peaceful for < NOBLE > soul in a way of life that I believe has GOD PRESENT Human life with God is for a holy lord dwelling in the spirit The soul < a lamp, a STAR > a sign of happiness in the smile that the saints gave me when I wrote the picture told me even when my mood became sad.

Go out the door and look at the Saints, I laugh I’ve felt easy over time. When the Saints want to make me happy, they are always the ones I don’t believe but I still try. The images I see every day are nothing more than miracles, such as the transformation of a dish while cooking….when I am sad or discouraged in the preaching work, I often look up to the sky, and each arrangement of the stars in the sky is an image of God graciously at the stage of execution. I didn’t believe anything else, but obediently I was always seriously moving, paying attention to the words in the work of revelation before it was finished, I went out and stood behind the window, and saw a big white streak striking my eyes. Looking more closely at the top is a round block that, if placed on the hand, will be a locket, but the object is a necklace and a ball. It reminds me of four times I’ve seen such white streaks, the day the CHALLENGER exploded in 1986. I saw such white lines Before I went to the shop and heard that the spaceship < exploded> I was scared at that time because my car was pushing back and forth I had to cry out to God I was so scared I looked at the trees on the side of the road to see if it was the wind but I didn’t see the trees on the side of the road shaking, SINCE 2006, which is my 22 years of work, I have always found the truth before I believe

A small sphere of the saints said a planet is a night star, I associate it with an unusual cold, today the saints say it is cold normally, but it is abnormally cold, depending on the will of the heavens, only the heavens have the permission to feed your children and go to church according to the family’s plans

I obediently made a kiss and a palm to show my love, put my cheek on the place where the holy mark was on my arm, and as soon as I turned around, the joy was joyful, and the saints teased me again, saying, “You can only see it, I smiled in happiness on December 20, 1985.



Tonight is a great night, even though we are living in the love of God, the Lord has said to me, Father, son, saints, souls, god The Church is a SACRAMENT family Party in the Persons of the Trinity, the Heavens are the universe whose HEAVENS are the HEAVENS, the Heavens communicate to the children of the SECOND PERSON, God is Jesus, the word is the word in the EXECUTIONS…… 2,000 through the LORD through the heavenly vessels descended on the word in the heart of the Church.

REVELATION 1984 . Theresa Lien , Dinh VIETNAM

As a Party, depending on the LINEAGE, there is a soul of God and the Lords in heaven. HALLEY’S COMET is < MARK > identified in the sky through the IMAGES in the sky through the Heavenly Universe appearing according to < inscription … > I am accustomed to being proactive but no longer having faith in my mind, so when I record the dates at that stage I always look through the science of astronomy and also the developments in the Church. The Pope is the milestone in the process of the grace of the Saints, the Lord from Heaven in the POWER of the Father, Jesus the Throne of the Holy Spirit of God that is retained. Is there any God, because I am always proactive, my own deeds, God, only in a person who has a holy soul in the soul, in other words, from God’s mind, has let a lamp of electricity continue through many classes in heaven, God always gives me surprises in heaven and on earth.

God of faces and always shows in my footsteps today the stars are floating in the shimmering sky of clear blue water

Tonight is not very cold, in the afternoon when I go to the market, every time I go or come back, when I go out the door, I always look up at the sky, In front of the market door, the image in the sky has kept me from walking, but just looking at the dark sky, A corner of the sky stands out, all kinds of colors, It’s wonderful, a picture I can’t understand anything, because The first time I saw this black image of a corner of the sky, it was also unusual, I had a thought like a bucket of ink falling, diluting everything, fading and then disappearing. I went HOME to take care of the kitchen when I was Startled by an oil stain on my wrist to put another mark on the Three Signs that God made After the miracle on the paper on the day I asked Yes and then showed in the sky those three holy signs That are also the word of God after every work I carry out the result of expression How vast or words from an event are showing about the church and the world according to Revelation said 1984

On the way home today I am neither happy nor sad because my soul is me but also for Destiny 2000. when I was about to go down to the exit I saw a strange star appear, followed by many different puzzle stars, I made a sign every time I went or when I got home Naturally I fell face on the steering wheel I was not happy and at that time Tiu Tit voice The joy of ROBERT, the youngest eight-year-old son, woke me up, I said: It’s cold, my cold clothes, ask me, but thanks to my child, I really woke up thanks to the gesture of him climbing into the motorbike taxi and kissing me. told me to go into the house so that I could put the car in the garage but my son said that he was going with me, I agreed to tell him to close the car door


As soon as I stepped out of the courtyard, there was a whole block over my head and my yard where I stood very close to my head was so great, and soon I had the newspaper as usual. Commercial newspaper on October 10, 27, 1989 printed this picture, showing in front of thousands of concert audiences they saw through the glass door of the church appeared. The date of that concert was December 8, 1984, I SAID YES

From April to August, which is 4 months, every day I see miracles, so at this time I am no longer just joy, but I have matured more. God transformed me into the image of the Lord, I was no longer afraid of that great image, but only looked up respectfully, making a sign that I wanted to kneel down, but often avoided the eyes of people who thought I was crazy, so I took my child into the house and went back, but the Lord said to me, “Come to the altar.” Kneeling at the Father’s feet and thanking God for His grace – I obey


The comet is one of the many images included in the book The Father, which begins after the lines of the scriptures written on the sutra. 1984 The Lord Descends 900 pages, suffering a thick book. I’ve been writing the REAL Bible God Said, writing non-stop day and night when I have time to write. The figure of the Woman on it is the process of schematic the beginning of creation, the transformation of the survival of the Universe through stages


-Heaven and Earth





-LORD ADON as a man

-Lord TOMA becomes a vicious army

 Early days

-Establish the human race ADON, TOMA

-Establish a TEMPLE


The image of this woman showed UNG LINH in the newspaper on June 26, 86 with the theme that the ancestor of human beings is an African woman

This book is a TREASURE that has been written according to the above developments. 1984 The image of a comet is in this volume on page 174but when the image of Russia appeared to take a picture of a comet, I read the newspaper and started looking for traces of comets about God in the sky. The comet in this volume DRAWN THROUGH I had to pass through the deaths of the 7 astronauts involved in the Letter to the Bishop of the Diocese with the Rocket Halt before the day of the flight EFFORT From the Spirit’s response to the word that I continued to search, I saw the image of the STAR drawn 600 years ago by Giotto, the ESA Arique i rocket from Kourou, GUIANA. The satellite carries only one ton, the European Space Agency. GIOTTO is the name of an Italian who found the comet six years ago and DREW on one of his paintings. 1985 has drawn back through my hand Theresa Lien, nailed in the book The Father

2024 is 40 years in my life, a servant of the LORD in the role of a LORD sent in the direction of only ONE STAR that when I fall I rely on the expression every night but also day.

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