Events of the times / Blood /eng
Since before Christmas 1990, I keep seeing white mourning scarves since the girl named Thu Suong passed away and returned to give her mother a scarf with a hat similar to the mourning scarf that Vietnamese and Asian people wear when they are around. dead, father or husband. That expression kept seeing white people around me. I didn’t do much during 1990 except the briefcase of documents I gave to the parish priest where I lived and a letter to the Gaveston Houston Bishop’s House. Then after that time I sent it. If you call, please make an appointment to see what’s going on. Instructions at the Bishop’s Palace always answer and wait. The third time, you’re told to wait, the secretary said.
God has used my children at this stage. They are like angels commanding my faith, giving me words and documents. The youngest son, ROBERT, gave him the STONE, THE CROSS, and wrote in VIETNAMESE. Even though he was born in America, he never learned VIETNAMESE. He was 8 years old at that time. The sister named Trang was peeling onions and transformed a dirty onion into a clean white one. Trang was surprised and happy to bring it home to show off this strange thing. I don’t think my child knows how to appreciate the strange gift, but I am thankful. Lord, my soul is strengthened to believe and do what you send me to do
God has always been by my family’s side since at least 1991. When I write, my children’s souls have become One, but THEY are not like me in terms of LIGHT and incarnation, they are just an instrument dictated by God’s work. a robot that controls the genes in the body, in the body there are 5 GENS that control scientific images for proof….document 2000“
. I don’t understand much English, but I still buy newspapers. After many years of having a computer and searching for information, while working, God brings events through articles and images for me to understand and see the evidence because So the documents are abundant for the truth of each issue
I pay attention and consider all the events happening in the world. Every morning I see the Moon showing up in the cold season. This year, I think my job will be from the new Deputy Bishop to the French-speaking Archbishop’s Palace. Vietnamese, I believe that GOD has given me the opportunity to easily speak my language, so rest assured, the messages are of great concern, especially after the letter sent to stop the missiles before the war. CHALLENGE spacecraft “ EXPLODES ‘ had faith. But all was not so because the priest whom the court sent me to never told me anything he did or contacted me, so the LORD GAVE ME a wider path like sending me articles to The newspaper of the Order of God through sermons printed in the newspaper’s Astronomy section, scientific evidence in notebooks with images drawn by my hand or printed on the astronomy website with images. God is not working alone, but with many people working on the same topic… but I am the one working to find and collect it in a “cluster”, of course only I know it.
December to January comes and that’s the difference arrayed in Gulf KUWAIT. The normal dispute in the world is not concerned but after the day before the Council The United Nations approved the attack on Iraqhi express In my dream, stars fill the sky that people saw that miracle, I was the one who said and showed them that miracle, which means that what I sent GULF January 9th will not come true because the meeting between the two countries on the day gave me a bad impression. .
On January 10, I picked up the daily newspaper without much enthusiasm because I only paid attention to the front page, but I pay attention to the image of God as talking about the Sun and Moon, but from this I am close to God in the inner Faith “MIND, BRAIN” mine FATHER AND CHILD WILL BE ONE Nthought of something else but then open hand the following pages text line look up in the Skype give me joy , that is the child in the Holy Spirit I said to Becky, a black American friend who worked in the kitchen of a HOTEL. I show The Cross is on the back of my left thumb , The miracle I saw when I washed my hands, the miracle that God never saw appeared, but only when I washed my hands before break.
On January 10, I had the idea to ask for one command Whichever I do, then often I Use Pen and paper to know the meaning in the sentence more clearly and firmly because the mind is sometimes mixed with surrounding temptations and cannot hold the mind enough, like when I was accepting an invitation, my husband and children passed by and showed any small gesture. creates distraction, writing requires reading and editing. That’s why writing always requires reading The mind of the SON is the FATHER .God showed me Red rose represents BLOOD In the sky is a sign of world war. But also From BLOOD comes a letter sent to President GEOGE H BUSH .God said
********************************************************************************************************** “ war cannot be perfect when humans still have the SATAN nature…”
Sent a second time to my son W BUSH / TALIBAN in the same words
FATHER…encloses a Holy Cross
The son ..the cover carries the image of a STAR in the Sky and the USA FLAG
***********************The Holy See has an ambassador with the US at this stage, after 25 years
Sending on the 11th gave me imperfections, so even though I intended to send it on the 10th, my husband gave me the fear that he would not be happy because he always thought I was not normal, so I always hid it on the 11th. On the 11th, I felt incomplete means that the numbers are always a sign between me and the Saints in the process of implementation
́January 8, 1991 The blood on the cutting board showed even though I was only cutting onions and green peppers. I’m always thinking even when I get home after a day of work. The blood appeared again in a scary moment because when I finished bathing and used a towel to dry myself, I saw BLOOD on the instep of my feet. I quickly made a sign, a sign that the LORD was directing me to the Gulf battle.
January 9 will not be successful because the meeting between the two countries on that day gives me bad thoughts
January 10 I had an idea to ask for an order. I wrote it but it didn’t work and then I abandoned it until God Show me the Red Rose shown above skyi is the world sign since the day the 7 challenge astronauts died, the pink cloud sign has returned to that world since the color of the blood of the Saints.
Day 10 My husband and I went to send gifts to our children in LAS Vegas. I was always torn between the number of the day and having to send it before the day of the battle.
Write letter to White House President George H BUSH, January 10, 1991. But the sending date, the 11th, gave me such incompleteness that on the 10th, I went with my husband to the post office and hid it until the 11th, but I still didn’t feel complete.
I resent myself for the day 12 is Saturday And , The 13th is SundayMonday is the 14th 15th is the day of fighting, so is it late? ? This question keeps lingering in my mind, making me beat my body, beating myself, then I wonder if it’s too late. ? sent or not? ? Keep When I ask that, in my mind it’s always sending, but I don’t believe it.”brain Right now I’m struggling with the thought that if I were human, I would probably be one real discussion so toh find a piece of paper to write because the clearer writing would be a sentence….What a nonsense, sorryi ….when I just wrote on it what… hit on the head … I was startled, looked around, looked at the car next to me, there was someone waiting, I thought they were banging, but as soon as I had that thought, two birds on the roof of the car I landed, one in front of my eyes, the other jumped to the ground, making me laugh. I knew who hit me on the head just now and decided.
. That means I have to send orders to President Bush by all means. So when I returned home, it was already dark and my husband had to go to the market instead of me. I always tried not to let my husband stop me because So WHEN my husband was busy I RUSHED to the door and said mom again for a moment
, I don’t forget the day God told me to go to the NOTRE DAME church and announce that God would perform a miracle in the church yard. My husband is a person who loves me very much and converted to religion when he married me
But because I was afraid of being embarrassed and losing face when my parents and my younger brother said I was crazy and embarrassing my family, I took away many of the beginning episodes and many of the things God gave me in 1984.
. I was looking for a place that received express late and it was very unclear because I only saw it when I took my child to the airport, but I still searched all over that area but couldn’t find it. By the time I found it, it was too late. I thought the 11th was really incomplete. But I’m worried about telling my husband when I return. I live a very moderate and regular life. I harmonize life for both of us with a peaceful family without fighting over or losing…
Bird xuẫt presently 12th dayWhile living in the heart of God, each sign, the bird of index, the person, the strangely beautiful bird, the hidden color appears in everyone’s mind. The second day is the day of Jesus’ Ascension, the 12th is also the day Jesus became human, the 13th is the day of Victory over Satan and is also my lucky day, because I am human. Saturday is All Saints’ Day and the 17th is also Saints’ Day because Day Seven plus Day One is the Father’s day, combined to form 8 , That means the numbers are God’s will for me to judge
I had a hard time doing my job so I had to make it clear to Becky to help me get permission to send it. She was happy to see what I sent and sent it on this day, Saturday 12th. Saints I have sent, after sending my job is to monitor the reaction and work of the Government or ROME. On TV the news shows CALLING The president’s prayer, church bells rang everywhere, I put articles in documents, at that time I didn’t know how to use a computer to take pictures or copy them. A rare day with Mrs Queen of England to HOUSTON church down the street WHERE President Buch returned to THANK GOD and pray. The battle was completed in a short time.
A day of meditation FROM the President, the Queen I gave myself but also gave me a belief that God had come into THEIR hearts in particular, I collected information from newspapers back in 2000. The President called to ring the prayer bell. from Houston where I live send MASSAGE the word of the LORD
̣*******************Peace is never perfect as long as people still have the SATAN nature ********:******************************** I still know that what I do is God’s will and my own desire It’s still mine, towards people, with people that I acknowledge,
In the Revelation of 1984, God said that the earth would have a rift and sink 2/3 into the ocean and at the same time sad words about the church. but a whole book BLACK COVER WRITING VERY QUICKLY. This book was written by nun Amilia, director of SAINT JOSEPH Hospital, who asked a Vietnamese priest to translate it but was refused. There was no father available.
I also understand that the battle is due to human greed, but God often shows the engravings from his heart, so the place where God stops the offering ceremony can be expressed, the expression has been arranged from white mourning cloths and Blood.
January 25, 1991 This morning, two American women I don’t know knocked on the door where I live, apartment 172. They wanted to preach the gospel to me. I asked them if they didn’t mind the room being full of boxes because I was about to go somewhere else. They agreed to go in and the three of us sat in one of the empty seats. Both of them disguised themselves as the gospel, but as if they were planning to say this part, They said…God said war is happening, the BUSH government fighting each other is against God’s will. They said this and they looked angry, making me smile. laughed and shook his head. I looked into their eyes, one person hung his head, always keeping a smile on his lips, the other person sitting near me looked angry, opened another page of the gospel and continued reading, in it were the words freedom she said.. If Busht hit Sadam and then hit BUSH then what would happen? Do YOU understand what FREEDOM is? She asked me if I understood what the word FREEDOM was, which reminded me of the priest’s attitude when he asked me if I went to Mass and received Communion every day when I came to preach the LORD on earth. They were arrogant and relied on the gospel in hands and think to understand the Gospel, others serve the church Believe in the sainthood so fervently that you become a judge of yourselfh . I feel real sadness in my heart, and I am truly arrogant because GOD IS LIFE IN every person, the word of GOD is always love, and every individual needs to know how to listen. That’s why when I go preaching, I see the difference between a Bishop and a priest when communicating. The more you understand, the more gentle you will be and the feelings you will convey to others through smiles and kindness like FATHER
It’s a pity for them because they are truly followers of God. I calmly whisper the gospel as time changes, the change in language and faith is directed to current people through the way of speaking, the words of the present but without going off topic. Of course, I didn’t say much because they wanted me to listen to them. I was sent by GOD and recognized that I didn’t talk clearly about God because time doesn’t make a decision, it’s Faith that opens the door to the SOUL.
. i Mother Teresa said in the Roman council that humanity must see the image of God. They all nodded so I continued speaking. I am waiting for those who preach the true word of God. God has given me many proofs through miracles, soul life through people. God gives Commands, then through the Saints are Holy souls who have…rank … c I can only let those who have enough faith enter the living source of God’s soul in the Son Even if it’s my husband’s parents and children, I can’t easily tell them.
When they didn’t believe the woman still had an attitude and asked me, what did God say? Did God tell people to fight? I said GOD didn’t tell people to fight. The death of Jesus Christ, why did Jesus have to die, seven astronauts had to die? ? They gave me a piece of paper about their arrival and said goodbye with the words…I only believe in this gospel, this gospel is true, written by experienced people…If you want to learn the Gospel, we will come again. , I went to them and thanked them. I remembered that when I took back a briefcase that I gave the day the Bishop’s House sent me there, it was intentionally for the parish priest to read and understand. The Parish Priest from the Bishop’s Palace sent me here according to the law, I said; I don’t believe what they will do. The Bishop said you just come, we will do the rest. This period has been since the letter to stop the missiles and the missiles have… EXPLOSED… not difficult but….time for myself is not enough…so there is continued non-coming…
KUWAIT is walking with God, learning the HOLY LIFE of God. God the Trinity
25th evening HOUSTON. Tonight I try Find the image of the cross in the sky that CNN 26 TV showed in the afternoon. I watched as that mark appeared. The Cross has brilliant colors from the Sun radiate images The whole sky is so great. The color is yellow from the sun, red from the blood of the Cross. I reminisce about the two women when God SENT them in the morning to bring my soul inside….The source of the soul …I thought again, God doesn’t exist…mixed thoughts from human doubts appeared in me. The cross is like today, Sunday, January 27… God brought me to write about the cross. because the cross on the beach reappeared, high on two wooden sticks in a puzzle on the sandy beach with water and pebbles, much larger than the small cross. The topic is about the oil well in the sea trying to fight, I’m waiting for the number 5, the 5th Earth is alive. Revelation 1984 / TL84 has the representation of the number 5 in two pieces of paper written in English thanks to friends named Hue and Her husband, Long, translated for her by phone from HOUSTON to CALIF and sent it to Bishop GaLVESTON Houston before the 7th day of execution. In this letter, the spaceship exploded and mentioned that the fifth earth had cracked ⅔ into the abyss. In the booklet most holy is a bag God father refers to burning by oil before explosion. Number 5 also give me an idea of the number of Iraqis fighting each other and determining victory or defeat is 50 days …….. 12:20 /27
Today is day 42 armistice results. This number reminds me On my 42nd birthday, God gave me a Cross, and in this battle, God also sent me a cross to send to President Bush. a crucifix in a DESERT storm
I can hear in my heart the life of the world and I can see God’s will in my thoughts and actions. Therefore, my days are tiring like everyone who takes care of family and life, but the soul is shared. so I have to keep track of what’s happening in the world, the desert battle is a godly development, those are the numbers
number year That’s it, many times I had to use my hand to count the knuckles clearly but always stopped at the number 5 even if I used a pen. year Because I asked how long the battle was and at the same time I wrote two words deer and Iraq Many times in the exam, Iraq always got a cross
I followed all the developments on TV, even though I didn’t understand much, but the Cross showed it to me faith but also let me understand God’s blood is shed according to human love But battle is inevitable because humans have a SATAN nature. My CHEF at the Hotel asked Becky what she thought about the battle and she said to ask me. LUFFY The chef asked me if this battle was right or wrong, I answered yes because I was watching because I needed to fight. He said she liked war again, I just shook my head at work.
is the bearer head center With God, of course I feel sympathy for God, I understand that God is benevolent The beginning is always to invest in HOLY things in heaven and on earth with a plan over time , God judges on the key person, the church is the pope, the government is the President, so I always only judge by the verdict.
. At least I gave BECKY the news so that she could replace me in sending a massage to the President before the battle started. She is the one who shared and gave me the opportunity to open the path of God, the third person with the Holy SPIRIT who understands what I want to say. is that many hours of the day work close to the level so I evolve into God’s focus FOR THE PEOPLE God sends to see God. They saw the LORD so they printed a STAMP / HEART in the sky full of STARS. Changing the world is not one thing at a time but can change. ONLY self-created power, strategy from humans and the Spirit is power. Human beings, GOD always judges the deep nature of God’s chosen people through the Soul level, so God showed me the death day of the Russian government through the change of government, the nuclear machine exploding for them is near. close to America because they needed help. One day, the boy driving the plane landed in front of the castle, proving the decline of Russia because everyone thought Russia was a terrifying iron tiger, shown in his talk with the Americans. saint . responded in writing saying Russia and America are friends
The developments in the world are a daily task. I have to spend time watching TV and newspapers, taking notes, not taking notes, but having thoughts like I am a general or for God to demonstrate, flexible. In the battle of Kuwait, people could see God have a cold accept God as life in the HOLY SHITI was happy when the missile hit the American soldier station and the first news was that 12 soldiers were killed. number 12 give me joy the landing of KUWAIT is Advance for Mr. BUCH Need a heavy whip to make him bolder, I laughed when I fought With the death toll that Americans As well as our allies lost. I searched When it comes to numbers in battle, an entire declaration of numbers always contains the numbers that God used to speak to me. 17 thousand Marines Seven armored and mechanized divisions advance west every day 7 million Galloping, fueling and lubricating 6 armored vehicles 12 hours at the same time hOh Q soundOan 48 motorized 42 days Start of war End of the day February 28, US 24th Mechanized Division six people injured themselves In the landing battle of Chen Zhan Kuwait 16 years on the contrary resembles the battles of Pleiku and Tuy Hoa, which Vietnam mentions many times during the battle
Right from the moment I recognized God and me, God gave me ideas numbers through birds through events, through people, etc Number 8 is always Lord FATHER But Jesus is a number from 7 tstasisc is holy combined with the lord father God is one so one plus 7 is 8 or the number 18 If he is also God, number 1 is God the Father If the child is two, the number 2 is also Jesusin But the number 12 is the saints because there are 12 apostles But Holy is the number 7 Because there is really only 7, but the holy number 5 has a different meaning, it has a negative meaning when living and also has a negative part to return to heaven, so there are only 7 numbers, 6 is destiny. 1984 or for 2,000 because the soul is martial Nguyen Phuong was born in the 16th martial arts class, which is the reason why God returned to heaven, only to have the 1984 Descendation through his son, the death from the Holy Angel, the union of the THREE Persons from Earth, the church, God with GOD, JESUS ADAM, the creation of life. revive the whole Heaven and Earth in ONE FATHER Sun in the spirit of fire and water. Earth was born with the sun and moon, lived in the air source under the great flood, photosynthesized from the Sun to give single cells breathing and DNA-binding cells. The UNIVERSE has a FATHER, a MOTHER, the Sun and the Moon.
God the Father allows the life of the Soul to reincarnate, with different levels and different compositions and origins of mixed materials. Humans from the 5th planet lay still, a dead, dark planet until a mass of fire from the bottom of the ‘oil pan’ jumped up and rotated the planets into the same orbit, that mass of fire was the ‘Head’.
The afterlife preaches the word resurrection God through the BLOOD of ADAM through the Seed has JESUS THE Holy Sons and the Apostles of the century in JESUS.JESUS is lord and father FOR the life of the soul God…enter… in BAPTIST to evolve to Sainthood. Must be the Holy Lamp of the Soul bright is the part “ HỒN ‘ No , This Light reincarnates and lives after death. Living in the embrace of the Holy Spirit, ascending to heaven according to the levels .
Resurrection depends on the HOLY SPIRIT of the soul when alive, There is no longer a complete human flesh after … one YEAR … , 1984 expressed from GOD through the HOLY SPIRIT at a HIGHER level because it is recorded in the omnipotent power of all-roundness as time
Thank God, because I always have a part in my lord’s work, all the numbers after the battle let me be a witness AND of course I thought about other things.
This White House is the third time for complete victory
March 29, 1991